Daily Summary  

The Daily Summary identifies the level of activity as a total for each day of the week. This summary also compares the level of activity on weekdays and weekends as a total for the report time frame.

Daily Summary: Number of requests by Day of the week.

Day of the weekNumber of requestsNumber of page requestsNumber of bytes transferred
1.Sunday3,7662,179112.349 MB
2.Monday4,8683,39763.602 MB
3.Tuesday4,1392,55671.050 MB
4.Wednesday3,7372,15244.481 MB
5.Thursday4,2432,67046.217 MB
6.Friday3,6932,14048.663 MB
7.Saturday3,2331,86057.528 MB
 Total Weekdays20,68012,915274.013 MB
 Total Weekend6,9994,039169.877 MB

This report was generated on August 4, 2024 14:41.
Report time frame January 1, 2024 00:19 to August 3, 2024 22:22.

Web statistics report produced by: analog 6.0 / Report Magic 2.21